I bet I say those words more than "pick up after yourself". LOL I was always wondering what time it was when I got ready in the morning, so I decided it was time to do something about it. I bought this cute little clock from World Market. It actually is magnetic and will stick to any metal surface, but who has metal in their house besides the refrigerator. Anyway, I thought wouldn't it be cute hanging near my bathroom sink. However the clock alone on the wall would be to small for the space I wanted to hang it. That lead me to this idea. Hobby Lobby has the prettiest knobs and you can often find them on sale for 50% off. A piece of oak cut with my #1 Christmas gift (the table saw), some stain, polyurethane, drill a hole, mount clock on knob, screw it in and glue it into an antique frame. I love how it turned out! I hope you do too!
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