It was late April and the gardener in me just couldn't get enough gardening in. Lucky for me I have two friends with birthdays close together, so after a fun lunch at Twisters (I highly recommend it if you live in the Kansas City area. Delicious at the right price.) we headed back to my house and started a little project.
The really bright colorful succulents need to be outside in a real dry climate where they will soak up the heat. I stuck to shades of green. I will eventually put them outside this summer here in the midwest but the cool nights of spring are no place for them.
I do know that they may do ok in the midwest if planted in the ground outside as my sister in Iowa used to grow chicks and hens like crazy. So I bought a few of a different type and am trying it in my own Kansas yard.
I bought potting soil for cactus. You need a good draining soil. Succulent roots do not like to be wet.
Now add your cactus potting mix.
As you could see there are several little babies in each pot when I bought them. Carefully pull them apart. This is a great sharing craft planting party.
Propogation: Lay these guys on a smooth flat surface for a few days. Then move them to a layer of soil. Now you can mist them. Just mist not drops of water. Remember succulents like it dry. You should see little shoots come off of them that will grow their own set of roots. Awesomesauce! Now you have more succulent friends to plant in other vessels. Here's more info.
Sorry, I got off track. Back to our new vessel of succulents. Water them to make the soil moist through and through. Now, hands off. Only mist if your soil is dry to the touch. Then after about a month lightly mist once a month. I used this site to gain more knowledge. I hope this helped. I got all my info off of different sites from Pinterest. Who doesn't love Pinterest? Right? So many cool ideas.
Thanks for checking in on me. Next time I'll show you what I have been doing in the yard.
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